Monday, July 31, 2006

nagfa's Ambigram Challenge August '06

Welcome to the first edition of nagfa's Ambigram Challenge (NAC)! (click here for information)

This month's phrase: 'world of ambigram'
*A relevant phrase, we feel, as this challenge is a union of 'ambigramistas' from around the world. On the difficulty of making an ambigram of this phrase, we would say that it is very much possible - simple formula - even for beginners. What we hope to see from this first instalment of NAC is the artists' personality through the design: uses of fonts, strokes and colours.

This month's theme: 'movie titles'
*A wide field to choose from, this theme encourages artists the freedom to pick ANY movie titles (in any languages, from any era) to present in any one of the ambigram styles available.

Please submit designs to:
hopefully before the 22nd of August (for allowance for us to compile them before September)
please also include the chosen word for the design (especially for 'theme'), your name (pseudonym allowed), country of origin, and website/blog (if any)

Nag and Fa thank you again for participating and sharing your works in NAC. May this effort be a success and a new 'tradition' for ambigramistas worldwide..



Blogger Serpiente said...

OK, comenzaré a trabajarlos en cuanto sea posible...


3:56 AM  

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