Monday, December 04, 2006

 ambigram: anjingila

- anjingilanjingila -

semakin berkuasa
air liur yang mengalir menandakan apa
adakah masih dahaga
darah manusia
atau hanya ingin tulang dari Tuan Besar?

wabak berleluasa
lidah yang berjelir hodoh bercabang sejuta
hidup yang bertopeng dua
apa gunanya
atau sengaja untuk menutup aib di muka?

dikau sudah serupa
seragila yang menyalak ke bulan purnama
untuk ia turun ke riba
hanya sia-sia
atau memanggil citamu melayang di angkasa?

sudahkah kau terlupa
kau pernah menjadi teman yang cukup setia
tetapi kau berubah
angkara apa
hanya ingin jilat tulang dari Tuan Besar?

'Anjingila' is formed by fusing two Malay words: 'anjing' (dog) and 'gila' (mad).  The following is the translation to the poem above; a pseudo-parody of how translation tools sometimes twist actual meanings into absurd chains of words. One interesting outcome of the following 'translated poem': 'madogmadog' is the formation of the word 'dogma' within the title, which does have its relevance in the meaning of the actual poem.

- madogmadog -

increasingly powerful
what does dripping saliva mean
are you still thirsty
for human blood
or just crave the bone from the Big Man?

a viral outbreak
tongue protruding ugly forks a million
life with two masks
what the use
or to assist veiling the embarrassment on the face?

you are similar
to infoxicated howling at the moon
calling it to come down to your lap
only a waste
or imploring your dreams hovering in the vacuum space?

have you forgotten
you were once a loyal friend
but you have changed
because of what
just to lick the bone from the Big Man?

*Do note that the atrocious grammar and wanton usage of the English language are but mere experimentation to allude to the 'efficiency' of translation tools. Please do not pass this off as neo-Shakespearean English.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grrr and brrr!

8:24 PM  

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