Tuesday, March 11, 2008

nagfa's ambigram challenge (NAC) March 2008

May Peace be by you.
After a brief interlude, we present you the next NAC Challenge, brought to you by the latest Guest Challenger - the designer with the winning entry for the last Kevin Pease's NAC - NastyBasty from Germany.
"Hello everybody!
My name is Bastian Pinnenberg (a.k.a NastyBasty) and I'm a communication/web designer, flash programmer and musician from Germany. Like most people I stumbled upon ambigrams while reading Dan Brown's "Angels & Demons" ("Illuminati" in Germany) and fell in love with the concept at first sight. I have been designing ambigrams for about two years now and am not planning to stop doing so :-)
You can find my designs on flickr (
http://www.flickr.com/photos/nasty_basty) and on my myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/nasty_basty).
So, with many thanks to Kevin Pease and Nagfa - here's my Nagfa's Guest Challenger's theme:
"Mirror, mirror on the wall"
One nature of this theme is that I would like to see reflective designs. On the other hand there is much more to mirrors, just think of Alice through the looking-glass... And of course there is an overall fairy tale connection to this theme. So, good luck everybody. I'm looking forward to see your solutions.
Cheers from Germany,
Bastian ( NastyBasty)"
Please submit designs to:
hopefully before 15th of April (for allowance for us to compile them before May). Please also include the chosen word for the design, your name (pseudonym allowed), country of origin, and website/blog (if any). *Designers are allowed to send in more than one design/entry..
All the best,
Nagfa: Naguib & Fadilah

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