Monday, August 29, 2011

nagfa wishes all Muslims Eid Mubarak. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!

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Our biggest project to date.
A kufi design (of our names) in carbon fibre.

And Bismillah Al-Rahman Al-Rahim on the rear window.

Thanks to the guys at De Calprit, who did a fine job.

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Stick 'em up.

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Saturday, August 06, 2011

kufi and khat

A sharing of two designs proudly displayed in our house:

A square kufic reading 'Allah' in Arabic: Acrylic on canvas. Our own design.

A calligraphic piece - a khat - reading 'nagfa' and our names, designed by Malaysia's awangpurba, one of the best we've known in the fields of Islamic art. His website: here.

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It's the month of Ramadan, the fasting month. A mere three weeks from now, Muslims all over the world will be celebrating Eid Mubarak, or Hari Raya as it is known here in these parts. For most of the young ones, celebrating Hari Raya is not complete without visiting relatives and friends, and of course, the receiving of 'the green packets', where a token sum of money is usually slipped in.

One 'green packet' we came across recently made us look twice:
The letterings used to adorn the packet was a design we made a few years back:
Though, a part of us does feel a sense of accomplishment having a design used, of course the other part is of disappointment. The proper permission was not sought, no credits were given. At the same time, a small (perfectionist) part feels that that design can be improved. We had always noticed that the height of the letters in 'Aidilfitri' is taller than those in the first two lines. Which makes the piece seem incomplete.

Nevertheless, another lesson to be learnt.

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Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Square kufi designs (Romanized):

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Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Logo: Chembridge

This post has nothing to do with ambigrams, and we foresee more of such posts in the near future. Early this year, we were given the task to design a logo for a joint exercise between Singapore's National Environment Agency (NEA) and the Malaysian counterparts. The name for this exercise was ChemBridge, and it involved the emergency evacuation and containment of hazardous chemicals spilled along the bridge linking the two countries.

Below is the screen shot taken from the news, of the CEO of NEA:
The cap which he wore, similar to the one we received:
After several rounds and drafts of logo designs, the chosen design depicts a stylised chemical drop onto a bridge:

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