Sunday, March 25, 2007

amafirlian's naguib-&-fadilah ambigram
See what we've got in our mail today: an ambigram from Amafirlian (Belgium): with the trademark Amafirlian-esque swooshes and shadows. Elegant (the G-D solution) and detailed (the double width first letters N and F). nagfa thank you, Amafirlian!

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Saturday, March 24, 2007

a peek at NAC February 2007

concept piece (spinonym): singularity
We have seen many beautiful work involving spinonyms - words with letters made up of similar glyphs or characters. One thing about most of them is that each glyph represents only one letter, and the longest one we've seen (do point us to where a longer one might exist) is Tom Banwell's 'sneeze' (6 glyps:6 letters). We've done a '5senses' one too (7 glyphs:7 letters). But this design - word inspired by the John Langdon-inspired NAC - is an 8 glyphs: 11 letters one.
NAC update:
nagfa has collected the entries and is now having the unenviable task of choosing (only, unfortunately) the best 10 designs to be given to John Langdon for comments. Our criteria would be: concept originality, brilliant letter(s) solutions, overall presentation. We will only post the entries after receiving the widely-anticipated comments from John Langdon, which we hope we are able to fulfil in early April.
Meanwhile, NAC April will be a special - albeit less-prestiged - challenge: one artist with the winning design will be the guest challenger for NAC May!
In the meantime, all the best of health and success to all..
salam (peace),
nagfa: naguib & fadilah

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007

ambigram: william-hunter-hamrick
a nagfa version for this.

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ambigram: LEAVE!

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ambigram & reflection: wild-child
Something special, a design with both vertical and horizontal symmetry.

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reflection: rock&roll

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Monday, March 19, 2007

ambigram: bravery
Proposed design for a class graffiti in nag's school.

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ambigramateur a.k.a. Martijn Slegers' naguib-fadilah ambigram
An astonishingly stylish design - with a new formula, too - from a fellow Ambigram Mate from Holland. Beautiful piece of art.
*Notice the ambigram-themed words too: ingenius!
Thanks, Martijn!

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

ambigram: everclear
The band with the acne-solution name.
Some popular songs from them:

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ambigram: beverage
Some words are just waiting to be discovered. 'Beverage' is a very, very good example of a word with a very, very high 'ambigrammatic quality'.

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ambigram & reflection: elixir
A further study of the previous 'elixir' reflections brought to us this solution: double vertical-horizontal symmetry.

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ambigram & reflection: elixir-elixir
After the previous 'elixir' design, this was a natural step to highlight the possible vertical-horizontal symmetry of the word.

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A rediscovered old design (circa 2000, we started by designing reflections) and after the necessary touch-ups:

reflection: elixir
Then, we realised it could be inverted into a fine metal-butterfly... so:
reflection: elixir
... and surprise, surprise, the word 'elixir' could just about be read still..

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ambigram: ambigrama-by.serpiente

ambigram: ambigrama-by.serpiente
The two sketches for Serpiente (Mexico) - an Ambigram Mate. The top design is our preferred version, naturally.

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As a token of friendship and support for one of our earlier Ambigram Mates, on the first anniversary of his blog this March, nagfa presents an updated, more futuristic reflection of his pseudonym:
reflection: serpiente

reflection: serpiente (original design)

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reflection: angels

reflection: devil

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

ambigram: amafirlian-ambigram

ambigram: martijn

ambigram: scalpod

ambigram: derren
Four ambigramistas from the very active and dedicated Flickr Ambigram Group (FAG, just a 'working title', according to them funny bunch! Love their wicked sense of humour and sarcasm.) A nod to great artists.

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ambigram: punch-&judy

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ambigram: chain.reactions
For a good - and catchy - example of a chain reaction, see here.
Also, see here for Rube Goldberg machines.
An X-Files episode with a Rube Goldberg machine: here.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

ambigram: van.morrison

One of the legends and hall of famers in the history of music.
- Brown Eyed Girl: here (and here for a fantastic cover from Everclear)
- Moondance: here
- Have I Told You Lately:here

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