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Labels: ambigram, apocalypse, armageddon, liverpool, mini-challenge, NAC, nagfa, red devil
Hi! Welcome to Nagfa's AmbigramBlog, where the art of ambigrams intertwines with life. The ambigrams are archived, so do take your time to surf through our pseudo-gallery. For comments, enquiries, requests or business ventures, email to: nagfa_ambigram@hotmail.com
Labels: ambigram, apocalypse, armageddon, liverpool, mini-challenge, NAC, nagfa, red devil
Labels: ambigram, apocalypse, armageddon, jack the ripper, kryptonite, mini-challenge, nagfa, serial killer, superman
Labels: champions league, chelsea, concept piece, manchester
Labels: ambigram, batman, harvey dent, nagfa, two-face.
Labels: ambigram, hard liberty, mini-challenge, nagfa
Labels: ambigram, beijing '08, nagfa, olympic
Labels: 45 degree reflection, air asia, ambigram, budget airline, jetstar, nagfa